Impossible de charger le fichier KML : erreur de l’analyseur kml interne

Last Published: July 22, 2024

Message d’erreur

When adding a KML file using the 'From my computer' option to Portal for ArcGIS, the following error message is returned:

Unable to load KML: Internal kml parser error.


The error occurs because the script in the KML file is not encoded using UTF-8.

Solution ou alternative

Follow the steps below to encode the script using UTF-8.

  1. Open the KML file in a text editor such as Notepad ++.
  2. Click the Encoding tab and select Convert to UTF-8.

    Encoding tab and UTF- 8 option
  3. Save the file and add to Portal for ArcGIS. For more detailed steps, refer to Portal for ArcGIS Web Help: Add layers from the web .

ID d’article:000018602

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