La connexion à la base de données a échoué. La géodatabase n’accepte pas de connexion. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur de géodatabase

Last Published: December 12, 2023

Message d’erreur

In ArcGIS for Desktop, in some instances when attempting to establish a connection to a geodatabase the following error is returned.

Failed to connect to database. The geodatabase is not accepting connections. Please contact your geodatabase administrator.
image of error message


This issue occurs if the Geodatabase is accepting connections check box is unchecked in the database properties, which prevents new connections to be made to the geodatabase.

Solution ou alternative

Enable the Geodatabase is accepting connections option.
  1. In ArcMap, navigate to the Catalog pane.
  2. Right-click the target database > PropertiesConnections tab.
  3. Check the Geodatabase is accepting connections check box.
  4. Click Apply to confirm the new database connection settings.

ID d’article: 000014329

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