Numéro d’ID de bogue |
BUG-000089316 |
Envoi | July 27, 2015 |
Dernière modification | September 6, 2024 |
S’applique à | ArcGIS Dashboards |
Version trouvée | 10.3 |
Système d’exploitation | Windows OS |
Version du système d’exploitation | 7 |
Statut | Will Not Be Addressed
L’équipe de développement a examiné le problème ou la demande et a décidé qu’ils ne seraient pas traités. Pour d’autres explications, reportez-vous à la section Informations supplémentaires correspondant au problème.
Informations supplémentaires
The Windows version of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS (i.e. operation views) and its companion JavaScript app in ArcGIS Online are now in Mature Support status. Esri is not doing any new development, bug fixes or patches. Customers are encouraged to use the new web-based version of the product (i.e. dashboard items).
Solution de contournement
- Install Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS with a proxy server disabled.
- Enable a proxy server after installation.
- Edit the 'OperationsDashboard.exe.config' file. Change 'true' to 'false' in the 'defaultProxy enabled' parameter.
- Start Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.
- The error message that was reported is not displayed in the dialog to connect ArcGIS Online.
- After clicking 'Continue' in the dialog box, a proxy server authentication dialog box appears.
- The sign-in dialog box of ArcGIS Online appears after authenticating a proxy server.
Étapes pour reproduire
ID de bogue: BUG-000089316