laptop and a wrench


The Mosaic to New Raster model fails the second time, and every subsequent time it is run in ArcGIS Pro 2.3.2 with the error message, "Error 000999: Failed to get raster. Please check if the input parameter is correct" is returned when the input is not a mosaic dataset and the output is file-based raster.

Dernière publication: May 30, 2019 ArcGIS Pro
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000122385
EnvoiMay 14, 2019
Dernière modificationOctober 14, 2020
S’applique àArcGIS Pro
Version trouvée2.3.2
Plateforme serveurWindows
Plateforme client10.0 64 Bit

Informations supplémentaires

This issue is not reproducible in the ArcGIS Pro next release.

Solution de contournement

  1. Set the output to a geodatabase raster dataset rather than a file-based raster.
  2. Close and restart ArcGIS Pro.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000122385


  • ArcGIS Pro

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