laptop and a wrench


The Checked Property from the ArcPad Object Model, fails to return a value of 'True' for the 'Offset polyline/polygon' tool menu item.

Dernière publication: February 26, 2016 ArcPad
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000092210
EnvoiNovember 16, 2015
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àArcPad
Version trouvée10.2.2
StatutWill Not Be Addressed

Informations supplémentaires

We apologize that we were unable to address this issue within the current product support cycle. If the issue continues to affect your work in a supported release, please contact Technical Support.

Solution de contournement

1. Go into Design Mode > Customize Toolbars2. In the Toolbar Editor, on the right side, scroll down to the Drawing Tools toolbar.3. Locate the 'Offset polyline/polygon toggle' tool.4. Select it and click the << button to remove that tool completely from the toolbar.5. On the left side, scroll down to that 'Offset polyline/polygon toggle' tool.6. On the right side select the Drawing Tools toolbar.7. Finally click the >> button to move the tool to the root of the Drawing Tools toolbar rather than it being a menu item under the 'Offset Point' tool.As a test, after the button has been pressed, from your keyboard press CTRL + Enter and paste the following into the script window:console.print application.toolbars("Draw").item("offsetpoly").checkedThen click the red exclamation mark to run it. It now says 'True' in the console window.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000092210


  • ArcPad

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