laptop and a wrench


The Addition function in the Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS 1.6 app appends the input values instead of summing them up correctly if the first input field is blank or if there are any input fields skipped and left blank.

Dernière publication: September 26, 2016 ArcGIS Survey123
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000098738
EnvoiAugust 19, 2016
Dernière modificationAugust 15, 2020
S’applique àArcGIS Survey123
Version trouvée1.6
Plateforme serveurWindows
Plateforme client7.0 64 Bit
Version Fixed1.8

Solution de contournement

Make all input fields as required fields, and provide the hint, 'Enter the value zero (0) instead of leaving it blank'.Alternative 1: Use the if-then-else statement in the calculation to force '0' to be calculated instead of supplied, for example: (if(${one}=0,1-1,${one}))+(if(${two}=0,1-1,${two}))+(if(${three}=0,1-1,${three}))+(if(${four}=0,1-1,${four})).Alternative 2: Cast the field values as integers so that Survey123 treats the fields as numbers instead of strings, for example: int(${field1})+int(${field2}).

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000098738


  • ArcGIS Survey123

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