laptop and a wrench


Opening the operation view with sharing disabled, causes Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS to stop responding. The views are shared through Portal for ArcGIS.

Dernière publication: November 27, 2015 ArcGIS Dashboards
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000087828
EnvoiMay 21, 2015
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àArcGIS Dashboards
Version trouvée10.3
Système d’exploitationWindows OS

Informations supplémentaires

Unable to reproduce this issue with the 10.3 Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) portal and the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS application.

Solution de contournement

To get Operations Dashboard to open from the Desktop: Workaround 1: 1. Navigate to C:\Users\<user profile>\AppData\Local\Apps. If the AppData Folder is not visible, it is likely hidden and can be viewed in Windows Explorer by clicking Organize > Folder and Search Options > View Tab. Click the 'Show hidden files, folders, or drives' to show the AppData folder. 2. Rename the '2.0' folder to '2.0_old.' When launching Operations Dashboard again, this prompts a reinstallation, which automatically generate another '2.0' folder with default files. 3. Launch Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. Users must get to the login screen at this point. Workaround 2: 1. In Windows, go to Programs and Features and Locate Operations Dashboard. 2. Click Uninstall/Change. 3. Check the 'Restore the application to its previous state' button, and click OK.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000087828


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