laptop and a wrench


Launching the Layer Properties dialog box when connected to the Product Library takes a long time.

Dernière publication: August 4, 2017 ArcGIS Production Mapping
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000098266
EnvoiAugust 2, 2016
Dernière modificationApril 27, 2022
S’applique àArcGIS Production Mapping
Version trouvée10.3.1
Plateforme serveurWindows OS
Plateforme client8.1
StatutWill Not Be Addressed

Solution de contournement

Create a SDE connection that only has access to the four tables required for Visual Specifications to work (i.e. PV_View, VST_Representation, VST_Rule, VST_Specification). Use this connection on the Visual Specifications dialog.OrIn the Visual Specifications dialog, do not check 'Display Calculated Representations' and 'Calculated Fields' tabs.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000098266


  • ArcGIS Production Mapping

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