laptop and a wrench


In Collector for ArcGIS (iOS), the feature of the pop-up media does not display when the image URL contains a space or %20.

Dernière publication: November 27, 2019 ArcGIS Collector
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000126192
EnvoiOctober 22, 2019
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àArcGIS Collector
Version trouvée19.1.0
Système d’exploitationApple iOS
Version du système d’exploitationN/A
StatutWill Not Be Addressed

Informations supplémentaires

This is expected behavior when including non-URL encoded spaces for the image URL within the popup media. In this scenario, since image names are being concatenated from an attribute field to a common URL, if/when the image name contains spaces, you can utilize Arcade expressions in the popup to encode them. Such as: if (Find($feature.PhotoNameField," ") < 0) // URL encode the string return UrlEncode(Text($feature.PhotoNameField)) or if (Find($feature.PhotoNameField," ") < 0) // or manually encode spaces return Replace($feature.PhotoNameField, " ", "%20", True) else return $feature.PhotoNameField

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000126192


  • ArcGIS Collector

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