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Hosted feature services published from ArcGIS Pro fail to update in REST with event records from a CSV file after previous records have been deleted and the source CSV file has been edited.

Dernière publication: August 29, 2022 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000113018
EnvoiApril 6, 2018
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àArcGIS GeoEvent Server
Version trouvée10.6
Système d’exploitationWindows OS
Version du système d’exploitation2016 64 Bit
Version de correction10.8.1

Informations supplémentaires

Feature record add or update operations are reimplemented in the 10.8.1 release. The traditional 'Update a Feature' output now tries to first update a feature if it has a cached OBJECTID. If it fails, it queries to affirm it has the correct OBJECTID and tries the update again. If the second update attempt fails, it tries to create a new feature record before giving up. The rollbackOnFailure is also changed to 'false' to prevent a single feature record update failure from impacting all data records in the batch.

Solution de contournement

After deleting the feature records in REST and making changes to the source CSV file, remove and re-add the CSV file from the data source folder that ArcGIS GeoEvent Server is pulling from.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000113018


  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

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