laptop and a wrench


For all standard geography level trade area requests to work in Esri Business Analyst for Server, all feature classes in the dbGeoUnits.gdb must be listed in the GeographyUnitTables section of the dataset description XML file.

Dernière publication: October 17, 2014 ArcGIS Business Analyst Server
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000081408
EnvoiSeptember 10, 2014
Dernière modificationFebruary 23, 2024
S’applique àArcGIS Business Analyst Server
Version trouvée10.2
StatutIn Product Plan

Solution de contournement

The following workaround is specific to the 2013 Canada data, which is related to this known error.1. Ensure there are no Business Analyst Server Map Services using the 2013 Canada data.2. Use the attached copy of CAN_ESRI_2013.xml to replace the <a href="file:C:/ArcGIS/Business" target="_blank">C:\ArcGIS\Business</a> Analyst\CANADA_2013\Datasets\CAN_ESRI_2013.xml file.3. Run the Business Analyst Server Post Install to create a service using the 2013 Canada data.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000081408


  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Server

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