laptop and a wrench


Collector for ArcGIS (Android) stops responding when viewing feature details in an offline web map, which contains only one feature class that participates in a relationship class.

Dernière publication: January 8, 2018 Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000091385
EnvoiOctober 13, 2015
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àCollector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
Version trouvée10.3.3
Système d’exploitationAndroid
Version du système d’exploitation5.1x

Informations supplémentaires

This issue is not reproducible in Collector for ArcGIS 17.0.4.

Solution de contournement

Edit the web map, add the other feature layer (related) back to the web map, and save the web map. Re-download the map for use with Collector for ArcGIS and this resolves the issue. Alternatively, use iOS.

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000091385


  • Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)

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