laptop and a wrench


Caching with Maplex Label Engine and multiple layer symbology completes successfully, but cache status reports less than 100% for certain scale levels.

Dernière publication: October 23, 2015 ArcGIS for Server
Numéro d’ID de bogue BUG-000088873
EnvoiJuly 6, 2015
Dernière modificationJune 5, 2024
S’applique àArcGIS for Server
Version trouvée10.3.1
Système d’exploitationWindows OS
Version du système d’exploitation2012 64 Bit

Informations supplémentaires

This issue is fixed in the upcoming release of version 10.4. It is not reproducible in the 10.4 Beta2.

Solution de contournement

1) Simplifying the symbology for the two features mentioned above (Discontinued Roads and Legal Trail ) to a single layer symbol (such as any from the Esri Symbols in the Symbol Selector). 2) Disable Maplex and user Standard Label Engine inste

Étapes pour reproduire

ID de bogue: BUG-000088873


  • ArcGIS for Server

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