Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo gestiona ArcGIS Monitor las solicitudes concurrentes?

Last Published: September 14, 2023


Below are the parallelism rules used by ArcGIS monitor for each counter type. These rules cannot be edited.

  • "limitAmazon" : 8,
  • "limitSystem" : 8,
  • "limitProcess" : 4,
  • "limitExt" : 4,
  • "limitTerminal" : 4,
  • "limitArcgis" : 4,
  • "limitDatabase" : 4,
  • "limitHttp" : 4,
  • "limitPortal" : 4

If ArcGIS Monitor is configured to monitor 20 HTTP URLs, only four HTTP requests are sent in parallel until all 20 requests have been sent. This design prevents sending all 20 concurrent requests to a sever, thereby minimizing the impact on the CPU and other resources at a given time. For ArcGIS and Portal counter types, these parallelism rules also apply at the site level.

Id. de artículo:000018214

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