Patches and updates

Workspace Translator

Published: March 25, 1998


The Workspace Translator is a stand-alone executable that translates a PC ARC/INFO or ArcCAD workspace into an ArcInfo Version 7.x workspace or vice versa.


  1. Download wksptran.exe (646 kb)

  2. Run wksptran.exe

  3. Read readme.txt (installed in step 2)

  4. Note that two versions of the program are installed: wkspcvt.exe is the command line version and wksptran.exe is the GUI version. Both are 32-bit programs.

  5. Check the on-line help (wksptran.hlp) for operating instructions and notes.

System Requirements

Windows NT, Windows 95 or higher

Release Notes

March 25, 1998
Minor update includes two improvements.

  1. It no longer creates numeric items greater than 16 wide.

  2. It no longer inserts a decimal point in numeric integer item values.

September 29, 1997
Minor update to the GUI version added a network button on the browser dialog box. As a result, network disks can be mapped from the Workspace Translator.

August 21, 1997
Initial release of the Workspace Translator.

Download ID:569

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