Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Foundation Service Pack 2
Esri is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Foundation Service Pack 2. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at your earliest convenience. This service pack is cumulative and includes all previous 9.3.1 QFE releases.
Note: In some instances the original PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Foundation MSI (install media) is requested when the service pack released on 8/29 is installed. On 9/10 the service pack was replaced with a version that changes this behavior but otherwise contains the same files. If you have already applied the service pack, you do not need to re-apply it.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- NIM057248, IN813788Atlas:Rotating dynamic text and clicking Fixed Zoom Out on the Layout toolbar causes text to shift
- IN739621Framework:ArcMap crashes and generates Visual C++ error when merging polygons.
- IN749827Framework:ArcMap crashes with C++ error when using Clip on a 64-bit machine with PLTS 9.3.1 Foundation installed
- NIM055238, IN789860Data Creation:User designed XML does not generate proper grid for all AOIs
- NIM058214, IN820306Documentation:Update the ArcGIS help and webhelp for version 9.3/9.3.1 to clearly mention the functionality of “Coordinate Display” setting in PLTS Properties dialo
- IN781902Editing Tools:Will not generate line or polygon when Target Layer is a shapefile
- IN821275Editing Tools:Adding the PLTS Contouring Tools toolbar to ArcMap causes the GDI leak and ArcMap to crash
- IN837484Editing Tools:"Create Points at intersection" tool will not create points if the target layer is a shapefile
- IN816327Editing Tools:AQT as being used in specific workflow is not finding all Unverified features
- NIM056440, IN807635Editing Tools:PLTS Advanced Query fails to list the proper unique values for same named fc from two separate workspaces
- NIM056697, IN809106Editing Tools:Records are not sorted out based on the date field in Advance query Tool in PLTS
- NIM056725, IN809889Editing Tools:Encounter PLTS Error when clicking on favorite on the PLTS Feature Metadata dialog
- NIM059781, IN831213Editing Tools:ArcMap Crashes when you start editing second time if a feature class is created and deleted in the current session.
- NIM059917, IN838675Editing Tools:PLTS Editing Environment toolbar has a memory leak
- NIM057827 , IN817953Elements and Layout:Graphic Table Element is not working as expected if there are two layers with the same name in the map.
- NIM053081, IN783012Framework:Table to Table Attribute Check does not find rows that do not match in an SDE environment - When FC's contain SQL clauses and Subtypes
- NIM053081, IN783012Framework:Table to Table Attribute Check does not find rows that do not match in an SDE environment when running against only FC's (No Subtypes and SQL's)
- NIM827623Feature Builder:Accuracy Issues with Circle Section
- IN742709Import Export:Pre-load validate dialog should behave like Data load with shapefiles and when closing
- IN734181Product Library:Check in unsuccessful while chart mxd is open
- IN20091203-3Product Library:Selecting a polygon from another SDE database causes arcmap to crash
- IN711925Publishing Printing and Export:Built-up Area 1L020P001 symbol in not correct after being processed by See Spot Color
- NIM058430, IN822840Publishing Printing and Export:Geotiff image created using the “CCITT Fax Group 4” compression comes blank and does not store Georeferencing.
- NIM057869,IN816227Reviewer:Unique ID check is not working as expected with “Changed Feature Only “ option.
- NIM057432, IN814927Reviewer:Validating a batch job gives a no descriptive error message if the batch job contains an invalid layer.
- IN777854Symbology:Calculate Visual Specifications encounter error for layer if the layer has a definition query containing a joined field
- IN783107Symbology:PLTS Views Breaks Link to Representation Renderer
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- Copy the service pack to a local folder.
- Double-click the Foundation931SP2.msp file and follow the installation instructions.
Note: The service pack can be run from the command line using the following syntax:
C:\>msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
Example: C:\>msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\Foundation931SP2.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Foundation Service Pack 2 - MSP - 40009 kb
Download ID:1650
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