Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Aeronautical Solution Service Pack 1
ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Aeronautical Solution Service Pack 1. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Aeronautical Solution to version build 500.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
Aeronautical Solution Tools :
CQ00292857Rotate to Grid is crashing for Eurocontrol
CQ00292860Hide Same Symbology Overlapping Routes ignores user query
CQ00299377Active view refreshes after anno is updated, but before user is asked to delete unfixable anno
CQ00299839Error not shown on non existing AIXM file
CQ00299844Same tooltip shown for different elements
CQ00300631Buffered Polygon Renderer doesn't work for "Outside Buffer Value"
CQ00301260Create N - FLR Annotation command button is disabled
CQ00304431Unable to change arrow fill symbol
CQ00304697AIS - Need relationship between TerminalProcedure and ProcedureLegPoint
CQ00304718Batch Chart Leads - Settings window need to be modal
CQ00305279AIS - Designated Points need secondary navaid bearing and distance values
CQ00305325AIS and Carto Needs arresting Gear Feature class
CQ00305342AIS - Threshold Crossing Height
CQ00305369AnnoGen dialog box name is "AnnotateMapFeatureStatisticsForm"
CQ00305373Aero Commander is very slow on startup
CQ00305468Warning message should be displayed if reference scale is not set
CQ00305498Chart Leads - Old tool name still appears in message box
CQ00305504Aero Commander message doesn't make sense
CQ00305511Anno Abbreviate Errors out on NFLA
CQ00305534Anno Gen is not working properly for SQL Express instances
CQ00305535Update Anno Log file is reporting incorrect where clause queries
CQ00305536Update Anno not working properly in Aero Commander
CQ00305601ArcMap crashes when clicking on a profile view
CQ00305682Extraction Query - Unable to add record
CQ00305687Add property for ILS/MLS symbol in the PLTS property page profile view setting tab
CQ00305695Create MABAs stand-alone tool fails
CQ00305709Layout elements crashing ArcMap with profile view
CQ00305753Batch Masking tool has phantom message
CQ00305773Chart lead for selected feature is not generating chart leads for all features selected
CQ00305796Documentation= screenshot for expected output is incomplete
CQ00305804To date not updating after running Front Update Panel Elements tool
CQ00305810Documentation - Incorrect button name given as compare to UI
CQ00305837Dialog needs to have text updated or removed
CQ00305843Cannot Delete Bad Annotation Geometries Identified through Update Annotation
CQ00306020GP tool help doc incorrect info
CQ00306066Reviewer Zoom error on records
CQ00306073Change Reporter for Attributed Relationships
CQ00306096Eurocontrol - Help document containing incorrect screenshot
CQ00306098Resize Anno doesn’t reduce for all Annotation features if multiple Anno's are selected
CQ00306141Eurocontrol: Feature class name is listed with the fully qualified name under Create Cartographic Features Copies
CQ00306147Hide/Show Annotation fails in Eurocontrol
CQ00306148Not creating all bypasses for multiple selected routes
CQ00306154Exception generated when multiple layers selected
CQ00306186Clear All Button for All Anno tools should be consistent with Core Tools
CQ00306323AIS model - Code_Type_AS description for 'R' incorrectly spelled
CQ00306382AIS Carto- Create ReferenceArc_C Feature Class
CQ00306383AIS - Reference Arc feature class needs DIST_Val and DIST_UOM fields added
CQ00306564Chart Leads Setting button to only launch Chart Leads settings
CQ00306791Localization - Label caption spread over two lines
CQ00306937ArcMap crashes
CQ00306977Batch Chart Leads doesn't work
CQ00306990Buttons are missing from each GUI
CQ00307060PCat errors received on-click for Update MABAs stand-alone tool
CQ00307125Error is generated while increasing/decreasing the anno
CQ00307132Update Anno produces warning messages for Bearing 1 and 2 anno in Aero Commander
CQ00307192Create Carto Features - Multiple error messages and unusable dialog when click on tool
CQ00307313Aero Commander produces error when workflow is selected
Files Installed with this Service Pack
oReplace ResmpsAeroElements.dll3
oReplace creating_features_with_feature_builder.chm174
oReplace aeronautical_production_procedures.chm173
oReplace aeronautical_maintenance_production_procedures.chm170
oReplace plts_aeronautical_solution.chm169
oReplace AeroAnno.dll166
oReplace AeroRegister.exe157
oReplace AeroUpdate.dll156
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Aero.Engine.dll148
oReplace MultiNavaids.dll146
oReplace BufferedPolygonRenderer.dll137
oReplace CreateCartoFeatures.dll136
oReplace Aero_SplitCallout.dll133
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Aero.Engine.Interfaces.dll122
oReplace Mabas.dll120
oReplace ResBufferPolyRenderer.dll116
oReplace PCatControl.ocx114
oReplace AeroElements.dll101
oReplace AeroATSAnnoHider.dll89
oReplace AIXMLoader.dll88
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Aero.Desktop.dll87
oReplace RASOverflowBox.dll84
oReplace RouteProcessingTool.dll78
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Desktop.dll75
oReplace mpsAeroElements.dll72
oReplace AeroAnnoRotation.dll66
oReplace AeroCommander.dll65
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Engine.dll63
oReplace ResCreateCartoFeatures.dll56
oReplace AIXMProvider.dll54
oReplace AnnoAbbrIt.dll36
oReplace AeroDBSynch.exe24
oReplace AeroLibrary.dll15
oReplace ResizeAnnotation.dll12
oReplace ESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Engine.Interfaces.dll9
oReplace NGAChangesReporter.exe8
oReplace PLTS_Aeronautical_AIS_05.ttf
oNew ResPCatControlProj.dll
oNew ResAeroAnno.dll
oReplace ais_data_dictionary.chm
oReplace plts_aeronautical_tools.chm2
oReplace ChangeReporter_aeronautical.xml
oReplace AISCharting.xml
oReplace AISCharting_GX.xml
oReplace AIS_GX.xml
oReplace AIS.xml
oReplace plts_aeronautical_tools.chm
oReplace aeronautical_production_procedures.lif
oReplace plts_aeronautical_solution.lif
oReplace creating_features_with_feature_builder.lif
oReplace aeronautical_maintenance_production_procedures.lif
Installing the Service Pack
1.You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
2.Ensure you have current PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation installed.
Service Packs and Patches for PLTS on ESRI Support site
3.The CD or network location PLTS was originally installed from must be available. For instance, if PLTS was installed from a CD, the CD must be available during the SP1 install. Copy the service pack to a local folder and have the PLTS software CD in the CD drive while installing SP1. If PLTS was installed from a network location the location must be available during SP1 install.
4.Double-click the PLTSAeronautical92_SP1.msp and follow the installation instructions.
Note: If the .msp extension is currently being used by another program and double clicking the .msp does not start the install process the Service Pack can be run from the command line.
Launching the service pack from command line:
1.At a DOS command prompt, type 'msiexec.exe' to see if msiexec.exe can be found without specifying its full path.
2.If Step 1 returns a message box from the Windows Install, proceed to Step 3. If it is not found, search your computer for 'msiexec.exe', usually found in the system32 folder, and note the full path when found.
3.At a DOS command prompt use the following syntax to run the .msp file directly:
C:>\path\msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
C:>\msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\PLTSAeronautical Solution92_SP1.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches for ArcGIS and PLTS.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Aeronautical Solution Service Pack 1 - MSP - 9386 kb
Download ID:1296
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