Patches and updates

Military Overlay Editor 9.1 Service Pack 1

Published: November 4, 2005


ESRI announces the Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) 9.1 Service Pack 1 is available for download. This Service Pack contains several improvements and maintenance fixes for Military Overlay Editor 9.1. UPDATED 2/24/06


2/24/2006: This service pack has been made obsolete by MOLE Service Pack 2.


We recommend that all Military Overlay Editor 9.1 customers download and install this Service Pack, at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with Military Overlay Editor 9.1.

MOLE 9.1 Service Pack 1 Release Notes

Enhancements and changes
  • Code samples have been added to the MOLE Java SDK
  • Solaris binaries have been added
  • The direction that wind barb stems point has changed. Now wind barb stems point into the wind. That is, they point to the direction the wind is blowing from instead of to the direction the wind is blowing to (CQ00272441 and CQ00278809)
  • Labels are no longer a part of the graphic preview in the preview area of the MOLE Symbol Editor by default, but you can right-click in the preview area and click Show Labels
  • Improvements were made to the way MOLE uses memory
Resolved issues
  • Graphics for tactical graphics now display when their z values and/or extrusion height values are negative, for example, when they are positioned below sea level or below terrain level (CQ00271499)
  • The default spatial reference and its minimum and maximum values for MOLE would sometimes cause newly created feature classes to have an inaccurate spatial reference. This issue has been fixed (CQ00265879)
  • The Direction field was not present in the air corridor tactical graphics, which caused problems in the rendering of some air corridor tactical graphics. This field has been added (CQ00277029)

In ArcGlobe:

  • You no longer must publish only the MOLE graphics layer when you publish ArcGlobe maps with MOLE layers for ArcReader; you can now publish MOLE group layers as well (CQ00268391)
  • The extruded part of a tactical graphic can now be seen when viewed through a transparent force element (CQ00277639)
  • In the ArcGlobe table of contents, when you check a group layer checkbox on and off (to show or hide it in the map display area), the MOLE layers within that group layer are now checked on and off too (CQ00274914)
  • Using the Screen setting (in the Size area of the Symbols tab in the Layer Properties dialog box) used to sometimes cause billboarded MOLE graphics to resize inappropriately when using the Navigate tool to change the look angle. For example, force element graphics may have increased in size when they should've remained a constant size. This issue has been fixed (CQ00274427)
  • In some instances, a point tactical graphic would lose its renderer. This issue has been fixed (CQ00273842)

System requirements

MOLE system requirements did not change from MOLE 9.1 to MOLE 9.1 Service Pack 1. You can review MOLE 9.1 system requirements by opening the readme.htm file installed by MOLE 9.1 to <ArcGIS Installation Directory>/MOLE/Documentation. This requirements list will also be installed with this service pack's readme.htm file, which is installed to the same location.

Installing this Service Pack

At 9.1, ESRI service packs are not full installations of an ESRI software application. It is for this reason you must have a major release version of a product installed before you can install that product's service pack.

  1. Ensure you have one of the following versions of MOLE installed:
    • MOLE 9.1
    • MOLE 9.1 QFE 1
  2. Ensure you have system administrator privileges on the machine on which you plan to install MOLE. If an administrator-level user installs MOLE, then a user with lesser permissions later logs on and tries to use MOLE, problems may occur. If they do, when the administrator is logged on, ensure that no registry restrictions are set. For more information, see your operating system's documentation for setting up accounts and user privileges.
  3. If you haven't already, make sure your machine meets the MOLE system requirements. Be sure to reveiw the full release notes listing in the readme.htm file that gets installed with this service pack. The readme.htm is installed to <MOLE Installation Directory>/Documentation.
  4. Download the following file, which contains the MOLE application, to a location other than <ArcGIS Installation Directory>.
  5. Navigate to the directory in which you saved the downloaded .msp file, then double-click the file to start the MOLE installation.

    If double-clicking on the .msp file does not start the installation, you can start it manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of service pack]\ArcGISMOLE91sp1.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus

    You may not be able to install this service pack directly from any removable media; you may need to copy the service pack installation file (the .msp file) locally or to a location on your network prior to starting the installation.

    If you're installing on a Linux or Solaris system, you may need to, as a root user, open the ArcGIS directory to which you intend to install MOLE, then change ownership of that directory to a new user. Next, open that directory as the new user (do not install MOLE as the root user) and run setup.exe against the ArcGIS directory.

  6. A security message box may appear, asking if you want to open this file. Click Open.
  7. The MOLE installation wizard starts up, and its first panel, the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor Setup panel, appears.
  8. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard until you get to the final panel, then click Finish.Note: At 9.1, minor changes were made to the MOLE schema. These changes are documented in the 9.1 release notes and in the documentation that comes with this service pack.

You are ready to begin using this release of MOLE or developing with this release of MOLE.

To uninstall MOLE, modify your installation by clicking Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, then ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor 9.1, then click Remove. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove MOLE.

For additional information

A technical paper, Deploying Managed ArcGIS 9 Setups, is available to provide information on deploying ArcGIS and Service Packs. This white paper discusses the deployment of ArcGIS 9.1 setups and Service Packs using Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS) and Group Policy, including additional system requirements, suggestions, known issues, and Microsoft Software Installation (MSI) command line parameters. Deployment in a lockdown environment is also covered.

Files installed or changed by this Service Pack

Files updated in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Bin:

  • MoleClassExtensions2.dll
  • MoleCore2.dll
  • MoleCoreRules2.dll
  • moleCoreUI9.dll
  • MoleFeatureRenderers.dll
  • MOLEGeoProcessing.dll
  • moleMxCommands9.dll
  • moleMxEditCommands9.dll
  • MolePropertyPages.dll
  • MoleTacticalRenderers2.dll
  • MoleUICommands.dll
  • MoleUIControls.dll
  • ObjDict.dll
  • moleControls9.ocx
  • moleCore.mdb

New file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Bin:

  • MoleDDD.dll

Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\DeveloperKit:

  • esriMOLE.chm
  • esriMOLEUI.chm
  • MOLEObjectModel.pdf

Updated or new files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\DeveloperKit\samples\MOLE:


Updated file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Documentation:

  • readme.htm

Updated file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Tutorial:

  • MOLE_Tracking\MOLE_Tracking_Data.mdb

New files in <DIR>MOLE_Databases:

  • GP_NonMOLE_Point_Shapefile.sbn
  • GP_NonMOLE_Point_Shapefile.sbx
  • GP_NonMOLE_Polylgon_Shapefile.sbn
  • GP_NonMOLE_Polylgon_Shapefile.sbx
  • GP_NonMOLE_Polyline_Shapefile.sbn
  • GP_NonMOLE_Polyline_Shapefile.sbx
  • MOLE_Blank_Database_Example.mxd

Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\com:

  • esriMOLE.olb
  • esriMOLEUI.olb

Updated file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\DotNet:

  • ESRI.ArcGIS.MOLE.dll

Updated file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\java:

  • arcgis_mole.jar

Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\Help:

  • mole.chm
  • mole_toolbox.chm
  • mole_tools.chm
  • gp\AddMOLEFields_mole.xml

Service Pack Updates

Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this MOLE service pack or additional MOLE service packs and minor releases will be posted here.

2/24/2006: This service pack has been made obsolete by MOLE Service Pack 2.

Getting Help

If you have difficulty installing this service pack, contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774 if you are a domestic site. If you are an international site, contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:1079

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