Patches and updates
Military Overlay Editor 9.1 ArcGIS Engine Symbol Style Patch
ESRI announces Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) 9.1 Service Pack 2 hotfix available for download. The patch replaces a .dll called MoleTacticalRenderers2.dll (Version for 9.1.SP2) with MoleTacticalRenderers2.dll (
This hotfix for CQ00289936 will prevent ArcGIS Engine applications from crashing when adding tactical graphics with the following Symbol ID codes:
- GHMPOFS-------X
- G*MPOFA-------X
- G*GPPM--------X
- G*GPPC--------X
- G*GPPN--------X
- G*M*OADU------X
- G*MPOFS-------X
- G*MPOFD-------X
This crash happens on computers that have ArcGIS Engine installed without other ArcGIS products.
The patch will install the new .dll to the following location:
(C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\MOLE\bin)
Supporting Files
- MOLE 9.1 AESS Patch - EXE - 886 kb
Download ID:1145
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