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FontInfo Utility for ArcIMS 9.3

Published: June 13, 2008


The ArcIMS Image Server has access to True Type fonts from a specific directory depending on the platform. The FontInfo utility determines which True Type fonts are supported by the ArcIMS Image Server.


The FontInfo utility is used to determine which True Type fonts are supported by the ArcIMS Image Server.

When creating a map using ArcIMS Author, all True Type fonts available on the system are selectable. However, the ArcIMS Image server only has access to the True Type font files residing in the following platform specific directories:

Sun: /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
AIX: /usr/lpp/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
HP : /usr/lib/X11/fonts/
Linux: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
Windows: System font directory

The FontInfo utility lists the names of the True Type font files in the above directories. These fonts listed are the only fonts that can be safely used with the ArcIMS Image Server when selecting a font in ArcIMS Author.

To run the utility on UNIX and Linux:
  1. Copy the FontInfo.exe executable to the $AIMSHOME/bin directory.
  2. Run the executable: ./FontInfo.exe
To run this utility on Windows:
  1. Copy the fontinfo.exe executable to the ArcIMS Home\server\bin directory. The default location for this directory is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcIMS\Server\bin.
  2. Open a DOS window.
  3. Change directories to the \server\bin directory.
  4. Type fontinfo at the DOS prompt.

This utility is as-is and is unsupported. For help or technical assistance, please visit the Miscellaneous Discussion Forum in the ArcIMS User Forums.

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