Patches and updates

BusinessMAP 4 Patch for ACT! Link

Published: January 6, 2006


When using ACT! 2005 or ACT! 2005 Premium Workgroup Edition with BusinessMAP 4, the links installation causes a conflict so that users cannot see the contacts in the ACT! e-mail address book.


Please install this patch to correct this situation.

You can view a screenshot of the error.


  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Unzip its contents (all files and folders) to any folder on your hard drive.
  3. Make sure that BusinessMAP 4 is installed on your computer.
  4. Launch setup.exe from this package and select Remove.
  5. Click OK and remove all previously installed links.
  6. Launch setup.exe from this package and select the links that you would like to install.
  7. Follow the instructions in the setup dialog to install the links.

After these steps, the ACT! link to BusinessMAP should work correctly with the ACT! e-mail client.

Supporting Files

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