Patches and updates

ArcView 3.2a Patch

Published: June 1, 2000


This patch resolves a number of problems for ArcView 3.2 users. You must have ArcView 3.2 installed to install the ArcView 3.2a patch.


This patch resolves the following problems for ArcView 3.2 users. You must have ArcView 3.2 installed to install the ArcView 3.2a patch.

Feature Updates - Overview
Updated features of the ArcView 3.2a release include:

  • Database Access 2.1a
  • CADReader
  • ArcView Projection Utility
  • NITF data reader
  • ERDAS IMAGINE data reader

Updated Features - Description

Database Access 2.1a
Database Access 2.1 was introduced with ArcInfo 8.0.2 (ArcSDE) providing updated support for ArcSDE 8. Subsequently, it has been discovered that DBAccess does not correctly support Oracle Spatial data types. This is corrected and included with Database Access 2.1a.

CADReader: (Windows Only)
The CADReader is updated to be compatible with AutoCAD 2000 (Release 15) DWG files.

Shapefile Projection Utility: (Windows Only)
The following issues have been addressed:

  • support for UNC file naming conventions have been added
  • spatial indexes for output shapefiles are now created
  • units can now be specified on the command line
  • problems with transformations from WGS84 to another coordinate system
  • additional files (.avl, .xml, .trx) are copied to output, and users can add their own files to this list as well

NITF Data Reader
The NITF data reader is updated to provide support for more current versions of NITF data.

The display performance for ERDAS IMAGINE data files has been improved.

The following issue has been addressed: (UNIX Only)
Changing the view frame quality in a layout caused traceback errors.

Installation Instructions for Unix Users

  1. Download the TAR and compressed file for your platform.
  2. Copy the file into your existing arcview3 directory.
    % cp filename.tar.Z $AVHOME
  3. Uncompress the .Z file
    % uncompress filename.tar.Z
  4. Untar the TAR file in your current arcview3 directory. This ensures the existing files are updated.
    % tar -xvf filename.tar
  5. Open and read the av32ainstall.html file for more information about the ArcView Version 3.2a. The file is located in the $AVHOME/avdocs directory.

Supporting Files

Download ID:477

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