Patches and updates

ArcPad StreetMap 6.0.1 Routing update (GDT U.S. Dataset)

Published: November 17, 2003


This patch changes routing parameters being used in the route calculation process in ArcPad StreetMap. It improves the overall quality and consistency of calculated routes.


Files Installed in this Update

  • In the GDT dataset installation folders (Western U.S., Central U.S., Northeastern U.S., Southeastern U.S.):

Installing this Update

Since this Update replaces ArcPad StreetMap GDT Dataset files, the data must be installed locally before you can install this Update.

  1. Make sure you have write access to your GDT Dataset installation folder, and that no one is using ArcPad StreetMap Data Extractor.
  2. Download the update to your local machine.
  3. Double-click the setup file to start the install process.
  4. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.

NOTE: This Update must be applied to local installations of ArcPad StreetMap U.S. GDT data that were installed from original ArcPad StreetMap 6.0.1 disks. The update cannot be applied to CD based or network-based installations of the datasets.

Supporting Files

Download ID:675

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