Patches and updates

ArcGIS Online Issues Addressed List - December 2016 Release

Published: December 15, 2016


This page contains a list of issues addressed in the December 2016 Release of ArcGIS Online that were logged through Support Services.


Defect Number


BUG-000089592Enumerated domains are removed when importing ArcGIS metadata into ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000091348Moving two items referring to the same service URL to a sub folder fails with the following error, "This item is already available in the folder and cannot be moved."
BUG-000091394The Find Nearest tool in Perform analysis ArcGIS Online Help does not mention how measurements are made like it does in the Developer Help.
BUG-000091409When the full extent of a service crosses the International Date Line and is reprojected to Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (102100), the resulting full extent is stretched across the full width of the basemap causing clients to zoom to an incorrect location of the data.
BUG-000091984The default color for the Shape property of Cross and X symbols in ArcGIS Online becomes exposed when creating a print preview, showing black lines in the center of the symbol which differs from the appearance seen in the Map Viewer.
BUG-000093427Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online is unable to display very small polygons in a feature service when a projection other than Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (102100) is used, showing symbol bleeding that covers the full extent of the basemap.
BUG-000095191In ArcGIS Online, adding new fields to a feature service loses existing default values in the feature service.
BUG-000095212Certain geometries do not project on the fly correctly in the ArcGIS Online map viewer after the 4.1 update.
BUG-000097941Saving a feature layer when another instance of itself exists in the same web map results in the feature being added twice from then on.
BUG-000098006If a group is configured with 'Members can update all items in this group', and the group 'Contributors' is set to 'Only group owner', the group is not viewable when attempting to share items from My Content.
BUG-000098503The default value for Hint Text while configuring Find Locations fails to adhere to any text that is set an input for the Hint Text in the Web Map settings.
BUG-000098537When reordering layers of ArcGIS for Server map services with dynamic layers enabled in the ArcGIS Online map viewer, clicking the 'Description' for the layer references the original REST URL despite the reordering.
BUG-000098744Editing group thumbnails in ArcGIS Online can be saved without clicking the OK button, resulting in the editing pop-up to stop responding until the page is refreshed.
BUG-000098863In ArcGIS Online, date values are unexpectedly converted to an unrecognized format when exporting hosted feature service to GeoJSON.
BUG-000099119Some groups in the organization cannot be searched when searching by group in Manage Licenses in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000099532When a user with an administrator role creates a new folder using other users' content page in ArcGIS Online, the following error message displays, "A folder already exists. Please choose another name."
BUG-000099635When publishing a CSV file from the Item Detail's page in ArcGIS Online, changing the geocoder does not accurately change the Location Fields.
BUG-000099659Exporting an enriched feature service to a CSV file drops demographic variables and shifts the field names in the output.
BUG-000099811The screen freezes when saving after adding or deleting a field from a related table in the Map Viewer of ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000100055Unable to access the settings tab for ArcGIS Online items with stored credentials and limited usage when the referrer URLs do not include the ArcGIS Online Organization URL.
BUG-000100160ArcGIS Online Configure Security Settings documentation states that unchecking 'Members can share content outside the organization' means that "members will not be able to make their profile public, share their content outside the organization..." is incorrect.
BUG-000100623Editing the name of any item stored in ArcGIS Online while the account language is set to Japanese causes the Cancel button to be cut off.
BUG-000101060Add field option missing when layer is added from web in AGOL webmap
BUG-000101129The legend settings for tile layers in a web scene are not maintained after saving and reopening the web scene.
ENH-000085158In ArcGIS Online, labels disappear when editing is activated; allow labels to remain visible during editing.
ENH-000085706If a WMTS service does not support the coordinate system of the basemap, instead of using the first coordinate system listed in the capabilities.xml, prompt the user to select which coordinate system should be used.
ENH-000093268ArcGIS Online Web Scene Viewer returns an error with item ID but not item name when the feature service is removed from the organization content.
ENH-000096944Provide clarification on ?View metadata? documentation regarding difference between "Enable Metadata" and "Create Metadata"
ENH-000100513In ArcGIS Online, provide an information message to Administrators who are deleting members telling them that if Esri Access is enabled for the member the username will persist as an ArcGIS Public account and not be usable again within the organization.
ENH-000100676Clarify that the copy and save workflow that can be performed in map viewer does not create a new hosted feature service
NIM100879ArcGIS Online enterprise login invitations have the wrong invite type when using 'Resend Invitation'.
NIM103315Allow for the use of mathematical operators and dynamic expressions when configuring labels in ArcGIS Online
BUG-000092533The uneditable fields in a pop-up of a web mapping application are virtually unreadable in an iPad browser as compare to the desktop browser.
BUG-000094248When using an ArcGIS Online polygon feature service as a private layer with stored credentials, and viewing in the Crowdsource Reporter application, the selection polygon is a different geometry from the original polygon.
BUG-000096323The Filter application template fails to honor querying from two layers added through the root service URL.
BUG-000096844The Crowdsource Reporter does not reflect the visibility range set from a web map.
BUG-000097309Attempting to Enrich Layer when configuring Impact Summary Application in ArcGIS Online with a web map that is stored in a subfolder of My Content, returns error: "Failed to add layer to webmap."
BUG-000098951Feature service layers that have legends hidden in the web map cannot be configured as lookup layers in the Information Lookup application.
BUG-000099306The Crowdsource Manager application in ArcGIS Online displays the icon for attached files as DOCX although the attached file type differs.
BUG-000099356The Basic Viewer template displays incorrect Legend icons and Layers tools in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000099365Editing related records in the Crowdsource manager fails when global IDs are enabled on the related table as well as the feature class.
BUG-000099440The Public Gallery application does not always honor the setting to open in the same tab.
BUG-000099743The Summary Impact application gives error 'You do not have permission' upon being configured by member of group with Publisher role despite of being shared in group with update capability where members can contribute.
BUG-000100103The GeoForm app does not place points in the correct location when using UTM coordinates.
BUG-000100542Attribute fields that are subtype dependent with a domain applied and the domain contains an integer code value of 0, do not display in the Crowdsource Manager application.
ENH-000100291Allow the Minimalist Web Application Template to have multiple services and fields be used as custom URL Parameters
BUG-000083292In ArcGIS Online, saved layers cannot be moved into a folder where the original content is located.
BUG-000099522An incorrect status is returned on the 'Status' REST request for the publishing job when the user's organization database reaches the 180 request limit.
BUG-000086155The Web AppBuilder Filter/Query widget's popup does not honor the popup configuration of the feature service and the related table assigned in an ArcGIS Online web map.
BUG-000091970All tables are displayed in Web AppBuilder applications when opening a related table from the pop-up.
BUG-000092277The Edit widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS allows users to edit feature service features, although the ArcGIS Online role restricts it.
BUG-000094347The GeoLookup widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not enrich locations from CSV files when using a custom basemap with a projection other than WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) as the latitudes and longitudes are not projected on the fly correctly.
BUG-000094564The Basemap Gallery widget does not show thumbnails for user-defined basemap when the basemap is not shared.
BUG-000095093In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the distance displayed in the NearMe widget search results is not the same as the Measure tool result.
BUG-000095483Basemap options do not update with the basemap widget in Web AppBuilder if the basemap group for the ArcGIS Online organization is changed.
BUG-000095565Fields with the Integer data type in the Chart widget of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS still show the comma as the thousands separator even though the commas are removed in the web map in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000095720When using the GeoLookup widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, points that intersect multiple polygons overwrite appended fields if the field names of the polygons are the same.
BUG-000097061When configuring the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS to filter by unique values, the values are not always sorted in alphanumeric order.
BUG-000097491Web App Builder for ArcGIS, query using URL parameters does not work when the query is made on the basis of "Layer_id" for Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1.
BUG-000097499The Summary widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS displays coded domain values instead of the coded domain description when applying a filter.
BUG-000097596Exporting a CSV from the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS returns date in epoch time instead of UTC time.
BUG-000097692If more than one Near Me widget is added to a Web AppBuilder application, only the first one opened by the user finds results.
BUG-000097855Setting font color to black in the Splash widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS changes the text to white instead.
BUG-000098005The Incident Analysis widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS displays a "No incidents identified" message after configuring a layer that is published as a group layer in a map service.
BUG-000098079Inconsistency between the Coordinate widget display (Y,X) and searching on coordinates which uses (X,Y).
BUG-000098237When printing an extent which crosses the International Date Line in Web AppBuilder, the output image has a different extent from the map.
BUG-000098729In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the Print widget generates an error when the Situation Awareness widget is also present in the web app.
BUG-000098869In ArcGIS Online, the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Filter widget displays subtype codes in the drop-down list instead of the description value.
BUG-000098903Geoprocessing tasks in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS take significantly longer to complete on Apple devices after the iOS 9.3.5 update.
BUG-000098917Selecting a polygon feature via the attribute table in a Web AppBuilder application causes the feature's fill to become hollow.
BUG-000099175Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS generates incomplete graphics for the trace results layer after successfully executing Trace Geometric Network operations using the Geoprocessing widget.
BUG-000099228If a filter is applied to a feature service in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS using the attribute table options, and a filter with multiple expressions is already applied in the map viewer, the filter is only applied to one of the expressions.
BUG-000099297Add explanation of settings in the 3DFX widget documentation.
BUG-000099321The Filter widget does not sort alphanumeric values properly. This issue may also occur with numeric values.
BUG-000099336In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the My Location widget does not honor the zoom scale parameter.
BUG-000099405When clicking the play button on local data set up with the 3DFx widget in a web scene in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the map zooms to a global scale and spins, and the map cannot be brought back to the local data view.
BUG-000099411The Print widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not honor the 'Hide in Legend' option from the web map settings for ArcGIS Server services.
BUG-000099427The Proximity option in the Incident Analysis widget returns results that are more than the actual distance set in the widget.
BUG-000099476In ArcGIS Online, when using Internet Explorer, the existing or new text added into the About widget cannot be aligned or justified.
BUG-000099514If there are more than eight image services in a web application, the web application does not fully load until the web application is reloaded.
BUG-000099573In ArcGIS Online, the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Locate Me widget does not honor the zoom scale setting, and instead, maintains the map's default extent when placing locations on the map.
BUG-000099585In WebApp Builder for ArcGIS, the Smart Editor widget does not allow newly added features to be saved and does not recognize any required fields after adding the first feature when using Internet Explorer (IE).
BUG-000099653Raster data cannot be uploaded using the Geoprocessing widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS applications in Google Chrome and Firefox.
BUG-000099703Applying filters on the related table of a map service coming from ArcGIS 10.4.1 for Server in the Attribute Table widget of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS fails in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000100104The font in the configuration page for the Select Widget does not match the font in other widgets.
BUG-000100303Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS pop-ups incorrectly place "Directions To Here" in "from" portion of the Directions widget.
BUG-000100332When using a Tab theme to create a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, switching between About and other widgets in the sidebar controller causes the image in the About widget to shrink.
BUG-000100336When configuring the Filter widget with unique value in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS , the values in the drop-down list are not always sorted in alphanumeric order.
BUG-000100376The Group Filter widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Online does not zoom to the filtered values when the basemap has a spatial reference other than Web Mercator (WKID: 3857).
BUG-000100465Statistics cannot be calculated for fields with the small integer data type in the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000100466Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS applications with a Japanese title have a blank file name once downloaded.
BUG-000100498The Analysis widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS shows the layer name from the Item Details page instead of the layer name from the Content pane of the web map.
BUG-000100512The splash screen in a 3D Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application does not load when the 'Option for user to disable splash screen on application startup' check box is unchecked.
BUG-000100520Turning off the setting to 'Show pop-up for the found feature or location' in the Search widget of a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application is not honored when searching for a feature layer.
BUG-000100524When more than one map service is used in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the Group Filter Widget prompts two input boxes when ?Use Value? is checked.
BUG-000100533Renaming the layer alias in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is not honored in ArcGIS Online within the layer drop-down lists in widgets.
BUG-000100577In ArcGIS Online, the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not provide a scroll bar for a long list of related layers.
BUG-000100759The buffer radius set by the Near Me widget and the Analysis (Create Buffer) widget does not match in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS where both the buffer distances and the units remain the same.
BUG-000100761An unexpected zoom behavior occurs when using the Situation Awareness and Incident Analysis widgets.
BUG-000100828The title of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS applications in the Launchpad theme appears below the title box if the Search widget is disabled and there is no subtitle.
BUG-000100928In ArcGIS Online Web AppBuilder, using the Info Summary widget with fields based on domains changes attribute values to 'undefined', and causes an unexpected behavior with feature symbology and pop-ups within the map.
BUG-000101174When the ArcGIS Online organization language is set to French, the Home and Splash widgets in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application have the same name ('Accueil', which translates to 'Home').
BUG-000101502The Directions widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not maintain the specified Directions length units.
ENH-000088837Allow web appbuilder applications to show map service and feature service of the same service as one layer similar to how it works in ArcGIS online map viewer content.
ENH-000094669Provide option in Basemap Gallery Widget to add groups containing web maps and WebTiledLayer for Web Appbuilder for ArcGIS.
ENH-000096868Please provide the ability to change the unit of temperature in Incident Analysis widget (e.g. Celsius or Fahrenheit).
ENH-000097631Web AppBuilder should display a popup notifying the user when one of the referenced layers becomes unreachable
ENH-000097782Allow users to choose which geocoder to use by default for the 'Near Me' widget
ENH-000098287Allow the option to select the units in which wind speed is displayed
ENH-000098357When searching an address allow the Near Me widget to display the candidate addresses so that the user can pick.
ENH-000099761Allow a "Country or Region Code" option for the geocoder in the Near Me widget.
ENH-000099856Request to add 'Nautical Miles' as a Length unit in the Draw Widget in Web AppBuilder.
ENH-000099931The District Lookup Widget in Web AppBuilder should allow users to configure the geocode service.
ENH-000100503Clarify that Example Travel Modes URL can be used to enable travel modes in the Directions widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
BUG-000095863The 'Choose Living Atlas Analysis Layer' dialog box in Add Expression, in analysis tools, doesn't open a second time, if no layer was selected the first time the dialog was open.
BUG-000098214The Analysis tool interfaces ignore a filter set on the map service layers.
BUG-000099352The Data Enrichment analysis tool in ArcGIS Online fails with the error message, "Enrich Layer Failed."
BUG-000100063Only one feature is populated upon enriching the layer in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000101063Unable to enrich layer for Poland region when creating a 10, 20, and 30 minutes of drive time in ArcGIS Online.
ENH-000096364Provide functionality to Find Existing Locations that appends the attributes of the second layer in a spatial query to the output layer like a spatial join.
BUG-000091616When viewing a Story Map Series that includes embedded applications with an iOS browser on a mobile device, the tabs have trouble loading and the widget buttons do not activate.
BUG-000098626When configuring a Story Map Journal application in Firefox, and adding more than ten sections to the side panel, clicking the Organize button results in a script error.
BUG-000099958Story maps created with the Spyglass layout display underlying maps as a square instead of a circle in Google Chrome.
BUG-000100016In a Story Map Swipe application, upon searching for an address, the application does not zoom to the location on the map if pop-ups are disabled through the story configuration.
NIM102737When deploying the Storytelling Map Tour template on a non-portal server with the documented instructions of deploying on either ?/home/<appname>?or ?/apps/<appname>?, the application incorrectly searches for a portal configuration and returns an error, "Fatal error: Failed to get portal configuration."
BUG-000096838The LabelSymbol3D does not work correctly with a FeatureLayer event.

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