Patches and updates

ArcGIS for (Desktop, Engine, Server) WMTS Tiles Misalignment Patch

Published: April 6, 2016


This multiple version patch addresses an issue where tiles served from an ArcGIS for Server WMTS service do not align correctly with other layers in the map and WMTS services consumed in ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Engine causes a shift in display.


Esri® announces the ArcGIS for (Desktop, Engine, Server) WMTS Tiles Misalignment Patch. This patch addresses an issue where tiles served from an ArcGIS for Server WMTS service do not align correctly with other layers in the map and WMTS services consumed in ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Engine causes a shift in display. It is recommended to install the ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine patches to avoid any misalignment issues when consuming WMTS services from ArcGIS for Server. A patched ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Engine correctly aligns a WMTS layer served from either a patched or unpatched ArcGIS for Server. A WMTS service served from a patched ArcGIS for Server will allow the layer to align correctly in non-Esri client applications. This patch deals specifically with the issue listed below under Issues Addressed with this patch.

Issues Addressed with this patch

  • BUG-000088847 - Tiles from WMTS Services for some coordinate systems (or CRS) do not align in ArcGIS Desktop and when served from ArcGIS Server.

To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.3.1 these issues are also included:
  • BUG-000088454 - If a folder path contains letter 'u' after '\' ArcGIS for Server search service fails to register the folder with an error For Input String: "sage".
  • BUG-000082640 - When choosing a different location for installation of ArcGIS for Server 10.3 other than the default for the arcgisserver folder, the installation still creates the folder under c:\arcgisserver folder and a new location specified. Also, when the arcgisserver that was initially created is removed, the system automatically creates a new arcgisserver folder with a directories subfolder that is empty.
To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.3, these issues are also included:
  • BUG-000084674- Incorrect related rows are returned when the related data has edits, is archived, is non-versioned and keysets are used.
  • BUG-000084197 - A blank page returned when trying to access secured services on ArcGIS for Server (AGS) 10.3 REST page if the AGS is federated to portal and if the browser language is set to non-English language.
  • BUG-000082467 - ArcGIS for Server opens too many files and does not release the file handles when serving cached services.
To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.2.2, these issues are also included:
  • BUG-000088244 - Optimize the deletion of objects from the geodatabases internal metadata.
  • BUG-000087118 - REST cache regenerates for each request when more than 100 services are accessed.
  • BUG-000086943 - The Verify, Repair and Rebuild Connectivity Tools need to identify and fix the max EID corruption problems.
  • BUG-000086566 - Recreating cache tiles for a cached service with preexisting cache fails randomly, at times leaving temporary files such as ".freelist, tmp.bundle, tmp.bundlx, tmp.freelist, compress.bundle, *.lock".
  • BUG-000086461 - Mosaic dataset not seen in full extent due to less number of overview levels.
  • BUG-000086412 - Queries against feature services layers that contain a many columns takes longer than queries against the same layers map service endpoint.
  • BUG-000086192 - Loading data into a Geometric network Feature Class using arcpy.Append_management in Python can result in corrupted network features.
  • BUG-000083258 - Add support for CORS in Map/Image Services Tile Handler.
  • BUG-000082869 - An incorrect KML network link is created when ArcGIS for Server machine name has 'services' in it.
  • BUG-000082777 - Data specific: When re-caching data using a certain area of interest the Status.gdb shows negative tile count.
  • BUG-000082665 - Disable SSLv3 on the internal tomcat to prevent "POODLE" vulnerability.
  • BUG-000082467 - ArcGIS for Server opens too many files and does not release the file handles when serving cached services.
  • BUG-000082423 - Under consistent load, the javaw.exe process at ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Server consumes 25% of the server's RAM, and any further request forces the process to use 100% of the machine's CPU.
  • BUG-000081679 - When publishing to a federated GIS Server that has a config store on a DFS share, item information does not get copied to the portal item.
  • BUG-000081401 - Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in ArcGIS for Server.
  • BUG-000081239 - ArcGIS Server has an open redirect vulnerability.
  • BUG-000080898 - Reflected cross-site scripting security (XSS) vulnerability.
  • NIM103623 - After publishing services to a federated GIS Server, item information is sometimes missing from the Portal item that is created.
  • NIM103555 - Printing a map service with more layers including legends result in performance issues with ArcGIS for Server 10.2.2 print service.
  • NIM103130 - Some of the tiles fail to generate on demand when the requests are sent through REST connection in ArcGIS for Server 10.2.2.
  • NIM102939 - Multiple stored cross-site scripting (XSS) found in ArcGIS for Server. This occurs in ArcGIS for Server 10.1, 10.1 SP1, 10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2.
  • NIM102197 - Unauthorized users can access tiles from a secured map service immediately after any authorized user accesses the service.
  • NIM099582 - ArcGIS Server performance drops when switching the identity store configuration from Active Directory to Active Directory with nested group support.
  • NIM098130 - ExportTiles fails for Japanese iOS client due to mangled Japanese characters in JSON responses.
  • NIM097651 - Public map services become private and require authentication after a brief disconnect of the config-store when the server is under load.
  • NIM087627 - Creation of Tile Package fails with an error "Invalid function arguments", when Server Tiling scheme is based on a custom projection.
To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.2.1, these issues are also included:
  • BUG-000083610 - Printing an external secure service with limit usage referrers fails in an ArcGIS Online web application.
  • BUG-000082665 - Disable SSLv3 on the internal tomcat to prevent "POODLE" vulnerability.
  • BUG-000081401 - Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in ArcGIS for Server.
  • BUG-000081239 - ArcGIS Server has an open redirect vulnerability.
  • BUG-000080898 - Reflected cross-site scripting security (XSS) vulnerability.
  • NIM100965 - Starting a service with 0 minimum instances causes the service locks not to release if service is consumed while it is starting.
  • NIM102939 - Multiple stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities found.
  • NIM102197 - Unauthorized users can access tiles from a secured map service immediately after any authorized user accesses the service.
  • NIM100306 - In ArcGIS for Server 10.2.1, when a service with the 'Minimum Instances' parameter set to zero gets published with errors on a non-default cluster.
  • NIM097651 - Public map services become private and require authentication after a brief disconnect of the config-store when the server is under load.
To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.2, these issues are also included: (Note: The ArcGIS 10.2 for Serverversion requires the ArcGIS 10.2 for Server Security Patch (September 2013) to be installed prior to installing this patch.
  • BUG-000082506 - 400 Bad Request errors occur when a user's role list exceeds 4KB.
  • NIM102939 - Multiple stored cross-site scripting (XSS) found.
  • NIM102197 - Unauthorized users can access tiles from a secured map service immediately after any authorized user accesses the service.
  • NIM098557 - Folder Navigation in REST is slowed by the amount of services located in the folder.
  • NIM097880 - In a distributed environment with two clusters a Load Balancer, a stopped machine causes a significantly increase in the access time for the REST and Manager endpoints.
  • NIM097651 - Public map services become private and require authentication after a brief disconnect of the config-store when the server is under load.
  • NIM092249 - With very large bundles REST tile handler is not responding with a valid tile, whereas the SOAP request returns with success.
To avoid conflicts, for ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 QIP, These issues are also included:
  • NIM091406 - If there are two layers in the map pointing to the same dataset, one with a definition query and the other with a relate, querying related records returns no results for the second layer - works fine for the first layer.
  • NIM098133 - The layer without relate should not display relationship information when another layer off the same FeatureClass has an in-memory relationship.

Installing this patch on Windows

Installation Steps:

ArcGIS 10.3.1, 10.3, 10.2.2, 10.2.1, 10.2, or 10.1 SP1 QIP for Desktop, Engine or Server must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

  2. ArcGIS 10.3.1   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1031-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp 2FC8E4F8790B97C20A17DAC546F950B2
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1031-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp 941ACE03E80532D34B853BC3C76E08DA
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-1031-DT-WTM-Patch.msp 4965A062630D1A97B16282F2355F7A6C
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1031-E-WTM-Patch.msp C58D06922294CAED3C5830CDB31E48B2
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1031-S-WTM-Patch.msp F39EB7BC0C524EFCB1E5E0115A7DC09B
    ArcGIS 10.3   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-103-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp A250C5A58341F3BF47D7B290BB715B63
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-103-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp 961E1EC46C29D15ACD1364217F2DC07A
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-103-DT-WTM-Patch.msp E2F2FDCBA04DB8396B1DF205574BF448
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-103-E-WTM-Patch.msp 3DA7DDE48CB038352BFEA2AF6CE4DF13
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-103-S-WTM-Patch.msp C6C18864431E699D2BE80ABA1009076B
    ArcGIS 10.2.2   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1022-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp 4E8627159B364B71356BC7476A02E0B9
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1022-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp B5A6AC83E5197A4D1A58DCD025C4C502
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-1022-DT-WTM-Patch.msp 5811EB71DD28A158E283227F28B75522
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1022-E-WTM-Patch.msp F8D08873A7A9E001B5D62F58DC9119E7
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1022-S-WTM-Patch.msp F7D8814629DD8591E8BA8135AEA4F93E
    ArcGIS 10.2.1   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp BA93B38E6B6CC4ED3D57A6D2844F723B
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-1021-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp F07854EAE6AB649A335B0CDAA0D629DA
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-1021-DT-WTM-Patch.msp D96078CFE70A435C0E3E68A125F8AAA0
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1021-E-WTM-Patch.msp 4AB1621E057408786A12BDEC50AA4613
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-WTM-Patch.msp 94745506448C2C37E3D402C5A7DBD73B
    ArcGIS 10.2   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2 for Server Security Patch (September 2013) is required to be installed prior to installing the ArcGIS 10.2 for Server version of this patch.    
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-102-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp 559442A20AF4CE3BA2807B404EA385F6
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-102-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp D0A96F45ACED67A418FBA0F23C63DBDA
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-102-DT-WTM-Patch.msp 0F26ECFD0B833D5AE25A6BC2455CE2D8
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-102-E-WTM-Patch.msp CAEBA6BBD97E94562A6C4978926B952A
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-102-S-WTM-Patch.msp 6011261E1EB4B60EE3A045CC006C3453
    ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 QIP   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Desktop
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-BGDT-WTM-Patch.msp 881E2F62F0A72978CF31A20ECFA30B31
         ArcGIS Engine
         Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-BGE-WTM-Patch.msp FFBD2B1D56FC6FEA494F49B211CAE157
         ArcGIS for Desktop ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-DT-WTM-Patch.msp AEA4A249421B454733B3A2E60569A3A8
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-E-WTM-Patch.msp BC970655D25EB7A063F4268C8F4EDFC6
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-S-WTM-Patch.msp 935BCB81D30EA903563EA139B3F38079

  3. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.

  4. Double-click ArcGIS-<Version>-<Product>-WTM-Patch.msp to start the setup process.

    NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:

    msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-<Version>-<Product>-WTM-Patch.msp

Installing this patch on Linux

Installation Steps:

Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder.

ArcGIS 10.3.1, 10.3, 10.2.2, 10.2.1, 10.2, or 10.1 SP1 QIP for Engine or Server must be installed before installing this patch.

  1. Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.

    ArcGIS 10.3.1   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1031-E-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 33627165D39846C6B704F1D3FF4F2690
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1031-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 03F64273FE610FCA6AADDA9198ADB320
    ArcGIS 10.3   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-103-E-WTM-Patch-linux.tar D03A2A3B3DBA8CA418E3C2BD6A6DB2D6
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-103-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 730D0B293CB2E2F9B85C618EC5293C1A
    ArcGIS 10.2.2   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1022-E-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 0AA36709CF06184EE41F79488FF6E65E
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1022-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 05F54DFCC8891E5F285FB525FDE6B54A
    ArcGIS 10.2.1   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-1021-E-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 36BE80530FA3B303F03136228FFB6DC2
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-1021-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar CE2632DEEC96674D9C23130F92568EFC
    ArcGIS 10.2   Checksum (Md5)
    ArcGIS 10.2 for Server Security Patch (September 2013) is required to be installed prior to installing the ArcGIS 10.2 for Server version of this patch.    
         ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS-102-E-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 097B376F686232FAF8C5B32E42F78AEB
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-102-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar FB598D84CC37883F84218E871214EFF4
    ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 QIP   Checksum (Md5)
         ArcGIS Engine No setup necessary  
         ArcGIS for Server ArcGIS-101SP1QIP-S-WTM-Patch-linux.tar 176A72BAC886543A08C6665C4A4CF921

  2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.

  3. Extract the specified tar file by typing:

    % tar -xvf ArcGIS-<Version>-<Product>-WTM-Patch-linux.tar

  4. Start the installation by typing:

    % ./applypatch

    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.

Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

May 26, 2016:
These setups have been added to the patch page:

  • ArcGIS Engine 10.3.1
  • ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 QIP for Desktop, Background Geoprocessing 64-bit for Desktop, Engine, Background Geoprocessing 64-bit for Engine, ArcGIS for Server.

June 8, 2016: These setups have been added to the page:

  • ArcGIS 10.2 for Server (Linux)
  • ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 QIP for Server (Linux)

June 9, 2016: These setups have been added to the page:

  • ArcGIS Engine 10.2.1 (Linux)
  • ArcGIS Engine 10.2.2 (Linux)

June 14, 2016: These setups have been added to the page:

  • ArcGIS Engine 10.2 (Linux)
  • ArcGIS for Server 10.2 (Windows)
  • ArcGIS engine 10.3 (Linx)

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:2291

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