Patches and updates

ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 Raster Datum Transformation Patch

Published: September 10, 2004


This Patch is now obsolete. It has been superceded by the ArcGIS 9.0 Service Pack 2.


This Patch is now obsolete. It has been superceded by the ArcGIS 9.0 Service Pack 2.


ESRI® announces the ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 Raster Datum Transformation Patch. This Patch addresses an issue with improper shifting when executing a raster dataset datum transformation. It deals specifically with the issue listed below under Issues Addressed with this Patch.

You must have ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 Service Pack 1 installed before installing this Patch. We recommend that all ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 customers, who transform raster data sets, to download and install this patch at their earliest convenience to ensure the highest quality experience when working with ArcGIS Desktop 9.0.

Issues Addressed with this Patch

  • CQ00242457 - Raster datasets undergoing a datum transformation (i.e. on-the-fly in the display) shift improperly (i.e. NAD27 to NAD83). Certain raster transformations, which are considered forward transformations in the ESRI Projection Engine library, work properly (i.e. NAD83 to NAD27).
  • The main issue is:

    • Performing a datum transformation on a raster dataset only works in a "forward" direction. For example, a raster dataset which has a NAD83 datum can be transformed into NAD27 precisely, but a raster dataset with a NAD27 datum cannot be transformed into NAD83 properly. The result is an improper shifting of the raster when a "backwards" transformation is attempted. This fix resolves the issues associated with raster dataset datum transformations, which are considered to be algorithmically "backwards" (i.e. NAD27 to NAD83).

Files Installed in this Patch

  • Under the ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 installation bin folder:
    • Xe.dll

Download ID:876

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