No se ha podido descargar el mapa. Error al crear la réplica

Last Published: August 23, 2024

Mensaje de error

When downloading a web map for offline use with Collector for ArcGIS iOS or Android, the following error may be returned, as shown in the images below:

"Failed to create replica"


This error is returned when working with versioned feature classes that have enabled the option to 'register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base', as shown below. This is an unsupported configuration for versioned data if it is intended to use replication. This limitation this documented: 000769: Cannot create replica because none of the data can be replicated.


The following entries may also be found in the server logs:


Solución o solución alternativa

There are two options to work around this limitation.

  • Disable the option to move edits to base:
  1. Stop the feature service that references the data.
  2. Unregister the feature class as versioned.
  3. Register the feature class as versioned again, this time unchecking the option to move edits to base.
  4. Start the feature service.

Detailed documentation on using versioned data with offline editing work flows is available: Offline maps and versioned data

Id. de artículo: 000012535

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