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¿Cuáles son las opciones para acceder al e-Learning de Esri?

Last Published: May 6, 2024


There are two options to provide access to Esri's E-Learning to members of an ArcGIS Online organization, both options offer the exact same training experience when accessing E-Learning at Esri Academy.

Option 1: ArcGIS Online

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Online with administrative permissions.
  2. Invite members into the ArcGIS Online organization (if users are already part of the ArcGIS Online organization, skip this step).
  3. Ensure that members have Esri access enabled, see the ArcGIS Online help topic: Enable Esri access

Option 2: My Esri

  1. Log in to My Esri with administrative permissions.
  2. Invite members into My Esri (if members are already part of the My Esri organization, skip this step).
  3. Ensure users have Access e-Learning permission assigned to their user profile.

How do I know that I have access to E-Learning on my account?

To find out if you have access to Esri's training catalog, sign in from Esri Academy's Unlimited Training page. If you do not have access to E-Learning, you will receive a message with your admin contact details, who can provide the correct permissions, as shown in the following image.

If you have access to E-Learning, you will receive a notification with a link to navigate to Esri's Training Catalog, as shown in the image below.


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