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¿Cómo renuevo una suscripción a ArcGIS for Personal Use?

Last Published: February 23, 2024


To ensure continued access to the ArcGIS Desktop application, a Personal Use subscription can be renewed or Auto Renewal set up before the subscription expires. Personal Use subscriptions must be renewed on a yearly basis.

To renew an ArcGIS for Personal Use subscription, use with the following steps;
  1. Sign in to
  2. Select My Organizations.
  3. Select the Transactions tab, as shown in the below image.
  4. Under Transactions, select Manage Store Purchases.
  5. Select the desired subscription to renew.
  6. To configure Auto Renewal, set the switch to Yes.
Auto Renewal must be configured at least 10 days before the subscription expires. If the subscription has expired, select Auto Renewal during checkout, which applies Auto Renewal going forward.
  1. Click Next, and follow the prompts to complete the renewal.
Transactions page showing renewal options

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