Registrar una carpeta compartida de Linux en un data store de ArcGIS Server de Windows cuando la cuenta de ArcGIS Server es una cuenta de Windows local

Last Published: September 11, 2023


This article describes the steps to register a shared folder on ArcGIS Enterprise  - Linux  in a Windows ArcGIS Server Data Store when the ArcGIS Server account is a local windows account. The issue is that the user is unable to register a shared folder on Linux with ArcGIS Server Data Store on Windows.

This article assumes the following environment:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise - Windows
  • The share folder is on Linux
  • A local windows account used for ArcGISServer.exe .\<ArcGISServerAccount>
  • The same account is on Linux, but passwords don’t match



The local windows account used for ArcGIS Enterprise must be created on the Linux Server matching the username and password.


  1. Confirm the password on the Windows machine by pressing the Shift key, and right-clicking the Internet Explorer shortcut Run as different user.
  2. Authenticate as the .\<ArcGISServerAccount> confirming the password.
  3. Change the password for the <ArcGISServerAccount> account on Linux to match the account on the Windows server.
  4. Confirmed the <ArcGISServerAccount> account on the Linux server has permissions to the folder.
  5. Register the folder using the UNC Path (\\<IPAddress>\<ShareName>).
The folder now validates.

Id. de artículo: 000012948

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