Importar una imagen personalizada para la simbología de entidades de puntos a Business Analyst Web App desde Dropbox

Last Published: September 11, 2023


In the Business Analyst Web App, a location on the map can be marked using a custom image to make it recognizable. For example, organizations may want to use a custom image to represent their institution. These custom images can be stored in cloud storage services such as Dropbox.





The instructions below describe how to import a custom image from Dropbox for point feature symbology on the map in the Business Analyst Web App.

In Dropbox
  1. Log in to Dropbox.
  2. On the Home page, hover over the desired image file and click Share.
image of Home page
  1. Click Create a link > image of Copy link dialog. For more information, refer to Dropbox: How to share a link to a file or folder.
image of Create a link dialog
The copy link option
In the Business Analyst Web App
  1. Click the desired point feature to represent with the custom image on the map.
  2. Click Options > Symbol.
image of Option dialog
image of Symbol tab
  1. Click the Symbol drop-down arrow, and select Custom.
  2. Click Import custom symbol.
image of Symbol drop-down arrow, Custom and Import custom symbol options
  1. In the Open dialog box, paste the URL of the custom image copied from Dropbox in the File name text box.
URL of custom image copied from Dropbox
  1. Change the URL link from https://www.dropbox.com/ to https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/ in the File name text box.
Change of URL
  1. Click Open > OK to view the custom image on the map.
example of Custom image

Id. de artículo: 000017136

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