Evitar que las anotaciones vinculadas a entidades sigan automáticamente a su entidad vinculada

Last Published: September 11, 2023


By default, feature-linked annotations follow their related line or polygon feature. Some users make changes to the feature-linked annotations by editing the annotations to a desired specification. For example, custom angles may be set for certain annotations.

Editing an annotation with a custom angle reverts to follow the default alignment of the line or polygon feature. Users can avoid the feature-linked annotations from automatically following its related feature by disabling the particular setting in Editing Options.




Follow the steps below to disable feature-linked annotations from automatically following their related feature.

Creating and editing feature-linked annotations requires a Standard or Advanced license. The Basic license only allows feature-linked annotations to be viewed.
  1. In ArcMap, click the Editor drop-down arrow and select Options..., which opens the Editing Options dialog box.

    Editor drop-down arrow and Options
  2. In the Editing Options dialog box, navigate to the Annotation tab.
  3. Uncheck the Automatically follow linked line features check box.
  4. Uncheck the Automatically follow linked polygon features check box.
Unchecking these boxes disables feature-linked annotations from following their linked line or polygon features.
  1. Click Apply > OK.
Editing Options dialog box

Id. de artículo: 000016571

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