Aplicar la misma simbología a varios rásteres en ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 21, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, the Apply Symbology From Layer tool is used to apply symbology from a layer or a layer file to a raster. To apply the same symbology to multiple rasters, run the tool in batch mode or apply the classified symbology from a layer file to multiple rasters.


Use one of the following options to apply the same symbology to multiple rasters in ArcGIS Pro.

Run the Apply Symbology From Layer tool in Batch mode

Recommended if there is an existing raster with the desired symbology.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, click View > Geoprocessing.
Geoprocessing icon
  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, under Toolboxes, click Data Management Tools > Layers and Table Views.
Layers and Table Views option
  1. Right-click Apply Symbology From Layer and select Batch.
Batch option
  1. In the Batch Apply Symbology From Layer pane, do the following:
    1. Click the Choose a batch parameter drop-down list, select Input Layer, and click Next.
Select either Make temporary batch tool or Save the batch tool to save the tool permanently.
Batch Apply Symbology From Layer pane
  1. Click the Batch Input Layer drop-down list, and select the desired input rasters in which the symbology of the main raster is applied.
  2. Click the Symbology Layer drop-down list, and select the main raster with the highest maximum and the lowest minimum values to be applied to the input rasters.
  3. Click the Update Symbology Ranges by Data drop-down list, and select Maintain ranges.
  4. Click Run to execute the tool.
Batch Apply Symbology From Layer pane

The image below shows all the rasters with the same symbology as the main raster.

Remaining rasters with the same symbology as the main raster

Apply the classified symbology from a layer file to multiple rasters

  1. In the Contents pane, select the raster with the highest maximum and lowest minimum values.
  2. Right-click the raster from Step 1, and select Symbology.
Symbology option
  1. In the Symbology pane, do the following:
    1. For Primary symbology, select Classify.
    2. Click the Classes drop-down list, and set the number of classes.
    3. Click the Method drop-down list, and select Manual Interval.
    4. Click the Color Scheme drop-down list, and select the desired color range.
    5. On the Classes tab, change the values for Upper value and Label to the desired values, and exit the pane.
Symbology pane
  1. Right click the raster again, click Sharing > Save As Layer File, and save the file in a desired file folder.
The file has a .lyr extension. Note the location of the layer file.
Sharing > Save As Layer File option
Saving the file in the desired file folder
  1. For all the other rasters, right-click and select Symbology.
Symbology option
  1. In the Symbology pane, click the Icon in the symbology pane icon, and select Import.
Import icon
  1. In the Import symbology pane, locate the raster layer file from Step 4, and click OK.
Import symbology pane

The image below shows all the rasters with the same symbology as the main raster.

Remaining rasters with the same symbology as the main raster

Id. de artículo: 000022636

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