La sincronización de replicación de geodatabase puede crear valores de GlobalID duplicados en Oracle

Last Published: July 21, 2023


When synchronizing new records into an Oracle geodatabase where some of the records already exist, incorrect or duplicate GlobalID values are created.

This issue only affects Oracle geodatabases and occurs when performing geodatabase synchronization. If geodatabase synchronization from the primary or secondary replica includes features or rows which already exist in the target geodatabase, the problem occurs.

Among other scenarios, this problem occurs when applying multiple generations of delta files in one direction without sending acknowledgements back to the origin replica geodatabase.

If there is suspicion that this has occurred, Esri recommends checking the GlobalID values for duplicates. A script for checking for the presence of duplicate GlobalIDs is available in How To: Check an Oracle geodatabase for duplicate GlobalID values.


Esri has identified the following issue: BUG-000091883: Syncing in cases where some inserts are applied as updates causes incorrect / duplicate GlobalIDs to be set.

Solución o solución alternativa

This issue has been fixed in ArcGIS 10.4 and the following patches:

Please contact Esri Support Services if duplicate GlobalID values are encountered.

Id. de artículo: 000012662

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