La instalación de ArcGIS Pro 2.5 devuelve advertencias de compatibilidad de configuración de .NET

Last Published: May 3, 2024


When installing or upgrading to ArcGIS Pro 2.5, the following compatibility messages may be returned:

ArcGIS Pro requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8. To download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8, visit the Microsoft website or contact your system administrator.
Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to complete this operation. The following blocking issues must be resolved before you can proceed.

The .NET Framework 4.8 is not supported on this operating system.


ArcGIS Pro 2.5 requires that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 be installed on the machine. 

The first few versions of Windows 10 do not support .NET 4.8. These pre-1607 Win10 versions have been out of support by Microsoft for some time, but some users may still have those version and encounter the issue.

Solución o solución alternativa

Since the first few versions of Windows 10 do not support Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (and thus ArcGIS Pro 2.5), .NET 4.8 can only be installed on Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607) and higher. It is necessary to upgrade to a version of Windows that support .NET 4.8. 

The Windows 10 versions below do not require a separate .NET 4.8 install in order to install Pro 2.5:

  • Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)
  • Version 1909 (November 2019 Update)

Id. de artículo: 000022747

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