laptop and a wrench


When using the Edit widget in a Flex application, selecting a polygon to split does not limit the operation to the selected feature, rather any other polygons that the line to split completely dissects also splits and is selected.

Última publicación: November 13, 2014 ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
Número de ID del error BUG-000082437
EnviadoOctober 7, 2014
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS Viewer for Flex
Versión encontrada3.6
EstadoKnown Limit

Solución alternativa

1. Begin drawing the split line in the middle of the bordering parcel (A) and draw the line across the parcel to be split (B) and end the line in the middle of the other bordering parcel (C) to split only the parcel in the middle (B).2. Hold the Crtl key after making the split to unselect any desired features.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000082437


  • ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

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