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Versions prior to ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1, generate the error message, "An invalid syntax was used" when using the TO_DATE function for the Select by Attributes tool on a feature class in an Oracle geodatabase which has more than one join and one of the joined tables contains a date field.

Última publicación: November 21, 2019 ArcGIS for Server
Número de ID del error BUG-000095059
EnviadoMarch 17, 2016
Última modificaciónJune 11, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS for Server
Versión encontrada10.2.1
Plataforma del servidorWindows
Plataforma cliente7.0 64 Bit
EstadoWill Not Be Addressed

Información adicional

Use the SQL92 standard functions for date and time.

Solución alternativa

Change the date conversion syntax to the one used by a file geodatabase or SQL Server geodatabase to fix the issue.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000095059


  • ArcGIS for Server

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