laptop and a wrench


The warning message, "Maximum number of default apps selected" is displayed when selecting five add-in licenses in the New Member default settings, but there is no mention of this limitation in the documentation.

Última publicación: January 7, 2020 ArcGIS Online
Número de ID del error BUG-000126877
EnviadoNovember 20, 2019
Última modificaciónAugust 21, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS Online
Versión encontrada7.3
Plataforma del servidorN/A
Plataforma clienteN/A
Version Fixed8.1

Solución alternativa

Assign other applications' licenses once the members join the organization.

  1. Click Organization > Members.
  2. Search for the user.
  3. Click More Option (...) > Manage Add-On Licenses.
  4. Select the licenses, and click OK.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000126877


  • ArcGIS Online

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