laptop and a wrench


The 'sderaster -o stats' command crashes the sderaster.exe application from the ArcSDE 10.2.2 command line.

Última publicación: December 8, 2014 ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Número de ID del error BUG-000082919
EnviadoDecember 5, 2014
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase
Versión encontrada10.2.2
Versión corregida10.3.1

Información adicional

The ArcSDE command lines tools are deprecated in ArcGIS 10.3. Esri recommends using ArcGIS for Desktop for raster loading and management.

Solución alternativa

1. Install ArcSDE 10.1 and use the sderaster command from 10.1 against geodatabase Use the Calculate Statistics geoprocessing tool from the 'Toolboxes\System Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Raster\Raster Properties'.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000082919


  • ArcSDE/Enterprise Geodatabase

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