laptop and a wrench


The 'No color' selection switches to gray after editing the color ramp for a gradient fill symbol style.

Última publicación: June 18, 2015 ArcGIS for Desktop
Número de ID del error BUG-000088181
EnviadoJune 8, 2015
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS for Desktop
Versión encontrada10.2.2
EstadoKnown Limit

Información adicional

'No color' is not supported for color ramps in the drawing engine used in ArcMap.

Solución alternativa

If ArcGIS for Pro is available, follow the steps below: 1. Right-click the layer, and select Symbology. This opens the Symbology pane on the right side. 2. Click the box under the current symbol. Select Properties, and select Layers. 3. Next to the polygon symbol, select Gradient Fill, and double-click the polygon. There are two polygons equivalent to 'color 1' and 'color 2' in ArcMap. Change the 'color 2' to 'No color'. In the Pattern group, there are options to change the direction of the gradient (Buffered, Linear etc). The symbol becomes hollow or see through.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000088181


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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