laptop and a wrench


The linked content web maps no longer appear in the basemaps list for geopoint questions when opening in ArcGIS Survey123 field app V3.9.149.

Última publicación: July 17, 2020 ArcGIS Survey123
Número de ID del error BUG-000131615
EnviadoJune 16, 2020
Última modificaciónFebruary 24, 2021
Relacionado conArcGIS Survey123
Versión encontrada3.9
Plataforma del servidorApple iOS
Plataforma cliente8.0x
Version Fixed3.1

Solución alternativa

  1. Publish content to ArcGIS Online as a mobile map package (.mmpk) or vector tile package (.vtpk).
  2. Add a package as the linked content in ArcGIS Survey123 .
  3. Download the offline map for your survey in the ArcGIS Survey123 field app.
  4. This map then appears in the basemap list for the geopoint question.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000131615


  • ArcGIS Survey123

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