laptop and a wrench


The Grids and Graticules Designer creates ‘TKS_GridData’ incorrectly when using a user created Area of Interest (AOI) shapefile.

Última publicación: January 29, 2016 Esri Defense Mapping
Número de ID del error BUG-000092642
EnviadoDecember 2, 2015
Última modificaciónJune 11, 2020
Relacionado conEsri Defense Mapping
Versión encontrada10.3
Plataforma del servidorWindows
Plataforma cliente7.0 64 Bit
EstadoWill Not Be Addressed

Información adicional

Grids and Graticules Designer is a mature product. Only critical issues are being addressed. Three workarounds have been provided.

Solución alternativa

Select one of the following workarounds:Workaround 1:Use the ‘Make Grids and Graticules Layer geoprocessing tool’ in Cartography Tools > Grids and Graticules.Workaround 2:Use ‘Make Defense Grids and Graticules geoprocessing tool’ in Defense Mapping Tools > Cartography > Grids and Graticules.Workaround 3:Follow steps to reproduce the issue, and execute the Simplify Polygon geoprocessing tool in Cartography Tools > Generalization on selected map sheet L8728, and run Grids and Graticules Designer on the output feature class generated by Simplify Polygon.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000092642


  • Esri Defense Mapping

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