laptop and a wrench


The Excel To Table tool does not create proper field types.

Última publicación: February 14, 2017 ArcGIS for Desktop
Número de ID del error BUG-000091474
EnviadoOctober 16, 2015
Última modificaciónNovember 24, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS for Desktop
Versión encontrada10.3.1

Información adicional

The document was fixed a few releases ago. The output field type is controlled by all field values, not just the first 8.

Solución alternativa

Convert the field to a new field type in ArcMap after importing by using the Calculate Field tool.This knowledgebase article states it is only for older versions of ArcMap but works in newer versions as well:Article # 34315: Change the data type for an existing field<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000091474


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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