laptop and a wrench


The error message, “Can not find your location. Please check your browser to ensure that your location is shared" is returned when using the 'Find my location' option on iOS devices when publishing a survey using Survey123 Web Designer.

Última publicación: August 12, 2019 ArcGIS Survey123
Número de ID del error BUG-000124359
EnviadoAugust 8, 2019
Última modificaciónAugust 26, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS Survey123
Versión encontrada3.5
Plataforma del servidorApple iOS
Plataforma cliente12.0x
Version Fixed3.6

Solución alternativa

  • Publish the survey using Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS.
  • Open the survey using a different version. For example,[Form ID]?version=3.4.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000124359


  • ArcGIS Survey123

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