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Symbolizing a layer by unique values where the layer has a definition query applied, and the field to be symbolized has a domain applied, returns all values from the domain rather than only the values that satisfy the layer's definition query.

Última publicación: January 26, 2017 ArcGIS Pro
Número de ID del error BUG-000097344
EnviadoJune 22, 2016
Última modificaciónJune 11, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS Pro
Versión encontrada1.2
Plataforma del servidorWindows
Plataforma cliente7.0 64 Bit

Información adicional

Duplicate of NIM037050: Duplicate of NIM037050.

Solución alternativa

1. Create a new field to be used to symbolize the layer. 2. Use the Field Calculator to populate the new field's values with the values from the field where the domain is applied. 3. From the Value Field drop-down list, select the new field name to symbolize the layer using the new field.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000097344


  • ArcGIS Pro

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