laptop and a wrench


Symbol level orders are not maintained when adding layers to the groups in which the layers are defined. The new layer's symbology is placed at what seems like random spots in the level order.

Última publicación: April 7, 2016 ArcGIS for Desktop
Número de ID del error BUG-000094996
EnviadoMarch 15, 2016
Última modificaciónNovember 24, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS for Desktop
Versión encontrada10.1
Plataforma del servidorWindows
Plataforma cliente7.0 64 Bit
EstadoKnown Limit

Información adicional

If new layers have the same Symbol Levels defined as the layers in the group, there is no way to distinguish which layer should appear above the other.

Solución alternativa

Reorder and readjust the labels after adding each new layer to the group.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000094996


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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