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Sharing a layer from Excel to ArcGIS Online that consists only of a ZIP Code field and a numeric field returns the following message, "Unable to share layer."

Última publicación: January 8, 2019 ArcGIS for Office
Número de ID del error BUG-000095686
EnviadoApril 11, 2016
Última modificaciónOctober 9, 2023
Relacionado conArcGIS for Office
Versión encontrada4.0
Version Fixed5.0

Solución alternativa

  1. Bring the data into a brand new Excel sheet.
  2. Add a new column with the name of the state associated with each county /census tract.
  3. Add the map to the Excel sheet.
  4. Choose the cell range and select the entire table including the state column.
  5. Select the correct location type.
  6. Click Add data.
  7. Choose "Do not aggregate areas".
  8. Select Add data. The service can be published to ArcGIS Online.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000095686


  • ArcGIS for Office

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