laptop and a wrench


Pan sharpened imagery produces stripes or blocks when exported to a new raster in ArcGIS Pro.

Última publicación: March 7, 2023 ArcGIS Pro
Número de ID del error BUG-000156328
EnviadoMarch 6, 2023
Última modificaciónSeptember 27, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS Pro
Versión encontrada3.1
Sistema operativoWindows OS
Versión de sistema operativo10.0 64 Bit
EstadoAs Designed

Información adicional

The issue occurred because the panchromatic image did not have statistics built into it. Once users build statistics on the panchromatic image, this is not reproducible.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000156328


  • ArcGIS Pro

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