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Error when connecting to the OGC API server in ArcGIS Pro 3.1. The connection appears to only work after attempting a Web Feature Service (WFS) connection on the service URL first in an ArcGIS Pro session.

ArcGIS Pro
Número de ID del error BUG-000158228
EnviadoMay 11, 2023
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS Pro
Versión encontrada3.1.1
Sistema operativoWindows OS
Versión de sistema operativo10.0 64 Bit
Versión corregida3.2

Información adicional

This issue is addressed in ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

Solución alternativa

The connection appears to only work after attempting a WFS connection on the service URL first in an ArcGIS Pro session. This is an odd workaround, but open a project and first attempt to create a new WFS connection with the URL and credentials. After this fails, make a new OGC API connection or refresh an existing connection, and it seems to work.

Steps for the workaround:

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro and create new project.
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click the empty space and click New > New Server > New WFS Server.
  3. Add the URL to the Server URL box.
  4. Add the key to Username and Password. An error occurs.
  5. Click Cancel.
  6. In the Catalog pane, right-click the empty space and click New > New Server > New OGC API Server.
  7. Add the URL to the Server URL box.
  8. Add the key to Username and Password.

The connection works, as does adding the layer to the map.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000158228


  • ArcGIS Pro

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