laptop and a wrench


Collector for ArcGIS (iOS) 10.2.7 fails to synchronize to hosted feature layers in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3. The failure occurs if the feature layer is uploaded from a zipped file geodatabase and the feature layer in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3 has a geodatabase (GDB) in the title. In addition, if the Data Store in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3 is hosting managed database, failure occurs.

Última publicación: August 27, 2015 Portal for ArcGIS
Número de ID del error BUG-000084515
EnviadoJanuary 14, 2015
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conPortal for ArcGIS
Versión encontrada10.3
Sistema operativoWindows OS
Versión de sistema operativo7

Información adicional

This workflow in ArcGIS Online no longer allows publishing a service name with a ‘.’ .

Solución alternativa

When an item is added from the zipped file geodatabase, avoid including GDB in the title, even when it auto populates from the zipped file's name.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000084515


  • Portal for ArcGIS

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